
How Will You Grow Today?

نحن نساعدك على إطلاق العنان لمهاراتك في الاتصال باللغة الإنجليزية وإتقانها للقيادة من خلال برامجنا التدريبية الشاملة التي تمكّنك من التفوق بثقة في التحضير لامتحان IELTS و OET واللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال والتحضير لاتصالات السفر!

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Who Are We?

Welcome to Winford International Online School, where cutting-edge innovation meets the transformative power of education. We are proud to be at the forefront of setting new standards in online learning, offering students the unique opportunity to actively shape their educational journey. At Winford, we believe in the importance of voice, choice, and contextual enrichment, as we empower our students to take control of their after-school learning experiences.

Our diverse and talented team of maverick educators are revolutionising the teaching landscape with their ground-breaking approaches and steadfast commitment to fostering meaningful connections between learning and living. At Winford, we are dedicated to nurturing the individual needs of each student, while cultivating a dynamic and immersive virtual learning environment. Experience the future of education with Winford International Online School, where students and teachers come together to create unparalleled learning experiences that will echo through generations!

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"إن حماس السيد كارل وقيادته التي لا تتزعزع هي الشرارة التي تشعل فريقنا لدفع مدرستنا نحو نجاح لا مثيل له!"

Mr Carl, Principal

"جهود السيد كول الرائعة تمهد الطريق لتعلم الطلاب الثري ومستقبلهم مع تزويد المعلمين بالمهارات المتطورة لتعزيز التميز الأكاديمي عبر مدرستنا."

Mr Col, Director of Education

"Ms. Hanh's innovative and nurturing approach is helping Grade 1 students seamlessly adapt to online school life, setting the stage for a successful academic journey."

السيدة هانه ، مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الأول

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